

  SEO: When we try to optimize the performance of a website, I find it quite taxing to implement some of the suggestions when FCP and LCP are high.  The reason is that it depends on some classes categorized as critical and some as non-critical inside the same CSS file for example (bootstrap.min.css) and critical classes have to be kept in-line and non-critical classes have to be deferred loading until the page loads the interactive elements in viewport. This will completely clutter our html head section I feel. As long as there is no marked degradation in our web page performance we can live with this performance bottleneck. This is my opinion Feedbacks are solicited

Incorporating trending into our business!

 Trending In our Business 


Cumulative Layout Shift In on-page SEO, CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift) is one of the vital factors that determine how stable our web contents are when our web page gets loaded with a slow network connection and our web page having an embedded image takes too much time to load due to which the content below it is shifted down by a certain percentage.  In an Ideal condition, it should be 0 but any value below 0.1 is a good one Here my case study web page has a CLS value of 0.001 which is a very good value. (a value of 1 is very bad which means the contents are shifted 100% down)

Content Marketing

  What is content in digital marketing? In simple terms, Content is any kind of information which helps us to move our prospect or lead or customer to the next stage in the Customer Value Journey (CVJ) It can be a blog post, an infographic, video, podcast, a form for collecting information, buy button or a review collection. The most important point about content is that “It should convey the right information at the right time to our prospect “. An example To get the attention of our prospect we can have a passive or active text or infographic CONTENT about our product or services. At the next stage, depending on the response we can showcase our product’s features, it’s performance through a video link CONTENT which creates more interest and trust in our product or services.

tags attributes elements


google fonts in HTML Page
